April 23, 2018 is D-Day for Truckers
Say “NO” to Denham Amendment in FAA Re-authorization bill. Don’t allow Congress to limit Trucker Wages to CPM 202-224-3121 “Truckers Lose Rights to Additional Wages” This could soon be...
View ArticleATA attacks truck drivers advocates for spreading truth about Denham Amendment
ATA claims that the Truth About Trucking Network (includes AskTheTrucker) is sharing propaganda about the Denham Amendment and states that it is the ATA who is telling drivers the truth. Do you...
View ArticleATA’s Myths and Facts about Denham Amendment Busted
There is a PDF from the ATA going around the internet and being mailed/emailed out to those within the trucking industry. The PDF and emails sent, are what the ATA considers “Myths and Facts” regarding...
View ArticleDrivers unite as two year battle against truckers reaches Senate
Yesterday the Supreme Court of the United States rules that the Federal Government has no right to tell states they can’t engage in sports betting. States have rights. The ATA however has lobbied hard...
View ArticleThe War on Truckers, States’ Rights, and American wages
The war on Truckers, States’ rights, and American wages. The Federal Authority Provision Preempting States’ Rights to Control Wages is Wrong. Today it’s TRUCKERS, tomorrow it could be YOU! The American...
View ArticleThe big connection: driver shortage, ELD’s, and trucker wages
I’m tired of hearing the term “driver shortage”! I’ve been listening to this now for 3 decades or more and frankly, myself and just about every other veteran driver, knows that the driver shortage...
View ArticleDenham Amendment defeated in FAA bill BUT it’s not over- ATA sends petition...
Denham Amendment defeated in FAA bill but it’s not over- ATA sends petition to DOT Petition from American Trucking Associations sent to FMCSA Administrator Ray Martinez on Sept. 24, 2018, regarding...
View ArticleATA seeks FMCSA approval to Preempt state laws which protect trucker wages
With the help of thousands of truckers and supporters calling their lawmakers, determined members of Congress standing up and fighting for drivers, once again the Denham Amendment has been defeated...
View ArticleDivide and Conquer as ATA reaches out to Independent drivers
Is a new Independent Trucker program about to be unveiled by the ATA ? According to American Trucking Association President Chris Spear, the ATA will be announcing the formation of the Independent...
View ArticleFMCSA controversy and the flip flop dilemma
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is an agency in the United States Department of Transportation that regulates the U.S. trucking industry and is the lead government agency...
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