InfoGraphic explains how upcoming Congressional Law could further hurt driver wages IF drivers do not take action
Say NO to Additional Federal Law to Preempt State Labor Laws.
Call the Government Switchboard 202-224-3121
The #1 priority for Trucking Associations, such as the ATA, is to assert Federal Authority ( such as the F4A preemption), to ensure drivers are not paid for all time working.
They plan on doing this by over riding Supreme Court decisions and states rights by appealing ( lobbying) to Congress in order to Preempt State Labor Laws using Federal Authority. ATA wants Federal Laws- Truckers Say NO! Give states the power
Should this legislation pass, it would ensure that drivers will be paid only for the miles they drive and none of the 30-40 hr/week they do in addition to driving.
Trucking industry lobbyists have stated that they plan to target the new Republican control in Washington, D.C., to pass legislation which would preempt State Labor laws. These state labor laws pay truckers for work and breaks in addition to their driving time.
American Trucking Associations and the Western States Trucking Association, both of whom have said legislation to assert federal authority over break and pay laws for truckers is a top-level agenda item in the coming years. “This actually is our No. 1 priority,” says Western States’ head of government affairs Joe Rajkovacz. Read more
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